29 January 2008

Kissing the Calvinism

I just did a google search on Jean Aymon and since he was a Frenchman (sorry, Will), all the pages that came back were in French. So I decided to use the "Translate this page" option that is provided by Google. Unfortunately, Google can somehow prevent me from cutting and pasting, but the French wikipedia article about him, when transgooglated reads: "He kissed the Calvinism, took refuge in Switzerland, then in Holland..."

You have to admit that however skewed that translation may or may not be, the idea of "kissing the Calvinism" seems to be an apt description, similar I think to the English expression: "He embraced Calvinism."

This leads me to this meditation: Religion is something that unless it is pursued intimately i.e. "embracing" or "kissing" it, it does not have a lot of meaning. I think this is what those crazy "It's about relationship, not religion" people mean. Christianity is a religion, no doubt about it, but religion is the means to a relationship, and if you are not serious about the religion part, can you have a true relationship?

In any event, don't worry, I will not be "kissing the Calvinism" anytime soon.

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